петък, 20 юли 2012 г.

Лятно настроение с лимонен ликьор

Здравейте приятели, при нас продължава да е горещо и слънчево... Вече не помня от кога не е валяло. Днес майка ми ми донесе италиански лимонов ликьор. Шишенцето толкова много ми хареса, че веднага реших да го снимам. Разхвърлях някои неща наоколо и си налях в една малка чашка и... Мисля, че от снимките се усеща колко ми е лимонено и лятно. Пожелавам и на вас такъв уикенд.

9 коментара:

  1. Mmmmmm,izglejda mnogo vkusno i osvejavashto.Obicham vsichko limoneno!Mejdu drugoto ne zabelqzah nqkade da spomenesh,che si profesionalen fotograf:)Zavijdam blagorodno(ako vobshte sashtestvuva takava zavist)xa-xa.Bravo,Heli,jelaq ti edin plodotvoren uikend!

  2. Your photos are so beautiful & inspiring! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Oh your blog is so beautiful. What inspiration.
    I'm your newest follower.

  4. I have never tasted that but it looks and sounds fabolous. What a nice mother you have.
    Hugs and have a nice week end.
    Eva Agnes

  5. Yummy dear Nelly, your lemon liqueur looks so beautiful, and I`m sure it tasts wonderful.
    And so beautiful with the lime green and rosa colours in your lovely post, dear friend.
    Did your mother make the lemon liqueur herself ? So sweet of her.

  6. Nelly you are such a wonderful stylist...everything looks so so beautiful.

  7. So beautiful pictures!
    I love those with the lemon!
    Have a really nice summer:)
    Hugs from Camilla:)

  8. How lolively I have been waiting you bllog I remember the candles all lit up . I love your white on white color scheme for your interior design . I was so inspired that I set up a prop are in white on white to photograph all my finished work in that new space . I am going to become a follower thanks pat beglin
